
Journal Reporting Times, EJMR vs. Self-Reported Stats from Journals.

Methodology: I took the self-reported data I collected here (which come from from ejmr here), and compared to the official journal stats collected by Juan Carlos Suárez here.

Overall, the data line up fairly well.

Here is the correlation in journal first-response times, conditional on being sent out for review.  The R-squared is a respectable .52, although AEJ: Micro is an outlier on EJMR, where it actually does better than what the official statistics suggest (with N=16 though...). Author-reported weight times are about two weeks longer on average, but on ejmr, you round to the nearest month vs. day, so some difference isn't surprising.

Here is the correlation between desk rejections, author vs. journal reported. The regression coefficient is close to 1, and the R-squared is .63. The intercept is -.072, as average reported desk-rejections are lower on ejmr.

Here's the Data:

Journal Desk Reject Rate (EJMR) Desk Reject (Official) First Response Time, Conditional on Being Sent Out to Referees (EJMR) First Response Time, Conditional on Being Sent Out to Referees (Official)
QJE 61% 66% 1.5 1.5
JPE 50% 49% 8.0 4.0
REStud 34% 49% 4.5 3.4
ECTA 23% 32% 3.6 3.4
AEJ: Macro 21% 38% 2.9 3.4
AEJ: Applied 37% 45% 2.5 2.7
Journal of Finance 33% 32% 3.0 2.2
AER 47% 46% 3.7 3.1
JEEA 58% 49% 2.5 3.2
AEJ: Policy 36% 51% 2.8 3.1
EJ 45% 55% 3.7 3.6
AEJ: Micro 25% 38% 3.4 4.5

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