
Cryptocurrency Update | Facebook Will Make Your Own Cryptocurrency

The biggest social media platform in the world Facebook, is currently exploring the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in early 2018, said his company was exploring the potential blockchain. however, Facebook will not have its own cryptocurrency.

Last year Facebook and Google removed and banned cryptocurrency ads on their patents. But they lifted the ban and will display cryptocurrency ads and a trusted and well-known blockchain or cryptocurrency company.

In the New York Times report. Facebook separates tin for cryptocurrency from the Facebook Inc team, Facebook makes the office for cryptocurrency inaccessible to other employees and requires special cards that are not owned by other workers.

Fakcebook has recruited David Marcus, a former president of PayPal to handle the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. David is responsible for tin Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, he also recently recruited blockchain experts from the blockchain start-up, Chainspace.

Facebook will also allow WahatsApp users to receive money through the application. later Facebook users can send money and receive funds instantly. This project has already been in the discussion stage of "Facebook Coin" to consumers through Bursa Cryptocurrency.

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