
Some harmless, old-fashioned fun with CSS

Several years ago, the CSS :visited pseudo-selector caused a bit of a ruckus: a malicious web page could display a large set of links to assorted destinations on the Internet, and then peek at how they were rendered to get a snapshot of your browsing history.

Several browser vendors addressed this problem by severely constraining the styling available from within the :visited selector, essentially letting you specify text color and not much more. They also limited the visibility of the styled attributes through APIs such as window.getComputedStyle(). This fix still permitted your browsing history to be examined through mechanisms such as cache timing or the detection of 40x responses for authentication-requiring scripts and images from a variety of websites. Nevertheless, it significantly limited the scale of the probing you could perform in a reliable and non-disruptive way.

Of course, many researchers have pointed out the obvious: that if you can convince the user to interact with your website, you can probably tell what color he is seeing without asking directly. A couple of extremely low-throughput attacks along these lines have been demonstrated in the past - for example, the CAPTCHA trick proposed by Collin Jackson.

So, my belated entry for this contest is this JavaScript clone of "Asteroids". It has a couple of interesting properties:

  • It's not particularly outlandish or constrained - at least compared to the earlier PoCs with CAPTCHAs or chess boards.

  • It collects information without breaking immersion. This is done by alternating between "real" and "probe" asteroids. The real ones are always visible and are targeted at the spaceship; if you don't take them down, the game ends. The "probe" asteroids, which may or may not be visible to the user depending on browsing history, seem as if they are headed for the spaceship, too - but if not intercepted, they miss it by a whisker.

  • It is remarkably high-bandwidth. Although the PoC tests only a handful of sites, it's possible to test hundreds of URLs in parallel by generating a very high number of "probe" asteroids at once. A typical user visits only a relatively small and uniformly distributed number of websites from any sufficiently large data set, so only a tiny fraction of probes would be visible on the screen. In fact, the testing could be easily rate-limited based on how frantic user's mouse movements have been in the past second or so.

  • It's pretty reliable due to the built-in "corrective mechanisms" for poor players.

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